seinfield history lesson

Seinfeld History Lesson

Colleagues and friends of education, as I was contemplating what to post I remembered a lesson that I used with my graduate students, cooperating teachers (at an orientation workshop) and student teachers, during my tenure at the university. It was a humorous video. Humorous because it is true. Whether as a student or teacher the things portrayed have happened to all of us. This is a great example of needing to think about what can be done to improve classroom instruction. I have always told my students that one of the most important thing as teachers we must ask ourselves after teaching a lesson is “what do the students know and are now able to do”. Very simply it is all about KNOW and DO (objectives). After watching the video can you explain what the teacher wants the students to know and be able to do? I would observe student teachers without referring to the lesson plan and if I could not tell what they wanted the students to know and be able to do at the conclusion of the lesson then I believe this is an area of concern. To emphasize the point with student teachers, in the post conference,  I would ask them to describe for me what the students should now know and be able to do. A number of student teachers would struggle with this.

Enjoy the video lesson.






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